Yoga India

History of Yoga

Yoga derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Yuj’ which means ‘to join’ or unification. Sanskrit is a historical liturgical language of Hinduism. Yoga is an Art to maintain mental and physical disciplines and to join individual soul to supreme soul

Many branches of Yoga was mentioned in the Hinduism as Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Hath Yoga and Jana Yoga though Hatha Yoga has been practiced the most outside India includes Ashanas.  

Indus valley civilization (3000 B.C) provides earliest archaeological evidence of existing of Yoga a seal of yogic posture. It is believed that it is posture of Lord Shiva in meditative pose. Lord Shiva is regarded as first Yogi and the originator of Yoga.

Vedas, the oldest literature of Hinduism and most sacred text of Hinduism written in Vedic Sanskrit also explained yoga methods.

The first written evidence came from the Rig-Veda which contains the oldest Known techniques of Yoga. Then Yajurveda, Athrvaveda and Upanishad also mentioned Yogic methods. In this period it was widely practiced by the Rishies (Saints).

Around the 2nd century BC Maharishi Patanjali attempted first time to define the classical Yoga and wrote foundational text of Yoga called ‘Yoga Sutra’. Yoga Sutra includes four chapters which have 196 sutras. All modern Yoga practices are based on Pantanjali Yoga Sutra.  Goraksanatha around the beginning of 10th century accumulated Yoga in systematic way. He wrote many books on Yoga and was very essential to popularised Asanas and Pranayams

In the past Yoga was the way to achieve Moksha (Immortality). Moksha is the liberation from cycle of birth and death and get a place in Heaven. Yogis practiced Yoga to achieve enlightenment or self realization.  Yoga is a path to harmonize the body, mind and sprit. Yoga builds a bridge between the body, mind and sprit.

Many foundation are involved in scientific evaluation of Yoga and it is proved that
It is not only stretching, bending of body but a consistent practice of Yoga is power way to reduce stress. Yoga has many internal and external benefits. Yoga benefits can be divided in categories Psychological benefits like reduction of Anxiety and depression, memory and attention improvement, improvement in concentration power etc.  Physical benefits like blood pressure, Stable autonomic nervous system equilibrium, pulse rate, skin, Eye-hand coordination, Posture improvement, Endurance improvement, Energy level, Weight gain and lose, problem related to sleep and immunity, Integrated functioning of body parts.   

Research by Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) and McLean Hospital found that practicing yoga may elevate brain gamma-aminobutyric (GABA) levels, the brain’s primary inhibitory neurotransmitter. The findings, which appear in the May issue of the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, essentially suggest that the practice of yoga may be a beneficial treatment for disorders associated with low GABA levels such as depression and anxiety.  Courtesy -

As per World Health Organisation reports mental stress caused the fifteen percent diseases of the world. According to many researches yoga is beneficial to reducing mental stress